Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Definition For "Vacation" In The Dictionary Changes Once You Add The Word "Family" In Front Of It.

I have memories of our first family vacation, though I wouldn't particularly describe them as "fond." My in-laws had generously rented us a cabin for a week on a lake in Maine. We packed our Toyota hatchback with enough supplies for a month and loaded our 18-month-old into his car seat.... 'Survival' guide keeps family happy on vacation By Julie A. Riess, Ph.d

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Driving Home From Vacation In Pouring Down Rain

We are in a drought here in the Chicago area, though we have had a few downpours - like yesterday evening, for a few minutes at least, where you might need to pull over for lack of visibility. I just about had to pull over, my cart that is, the lights in Wal-Mart were going on and off!

I remember driving home from Tennessee one year in our Dodge van - it started to rain - well, actually it poured so hard some cars pulled over to wait it out! I drove along in amazement because I wasn’t even using my windshield wipers except on a slow delay.

This was the first time my husband had treated our windshield with Rain-X. The rain just beads up and rolls off. It’s great! We don’t go on any trip without it and try to always keep a coating on our windshield even when we aren’t traveling hours away to our vacation rental!

My Vacation Survey!

Saving Gas While On Vacation

Did you know that topping off the tank creates harmful emissions and wastes money? I didn't!

EPA offers a few tips to save gas while on vacation and on your everyday driving.

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