Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Traveling With Little Ones: Mid-Way Hotel Stops

The Sun Times article I talked about in my June 14th post reminded me of this:

When our kids were younger, the thought of driving 8 hours with them was not very appealing.

Our solution was to drive 2 hours, break to race into the rest stop’s bathroom. They’d soon come out running to find a monster coming toward them to try and catch them, who looked surprisingly like Papa. A straggling, screaming, giggling child was almost grabbed when all of a sudden another child came to the rescue and distracted the monster.

All of this surge of energy and screams ended with climbing back in car-seats for the last 2 hours.

Our driving was finished for the day when we reached our mid-way hotel, complete with pool and .... kids eat free ..... or ..... free continental breakfast (not just sweet rolls! - we check when we called for reservations. Lots of sugar in children does not go well with driving!)

Repeat the following day, and arrive at the destination. Much easier on little travelers and big ones, too!

"I’m tired and hungry, can we stop now?"

This lists some restaurants by states offering free meals for kids.
This article is "Where to Find 'Kids Eat Free' Deals."
Also, I went to www.google.com and typed in "kids eat free" and "city, state" to find hotels and restaurants with this offer.