Thursday, June 16, 2005

Fun In The Car - Goody Bags

As our kids get older, they travel much easier, they don't get so antsy and can travel 8 hours without too many squawks.

When they were younger I'd make up goody bags - little ziplock baggies with specials in them - a piece of gum, 2 Starbursts, some trail mix, some M&M's, etc.

Every 1/2 hour (this was when we'd go 4 hours max a day) they each had their turn reaching in a bag and seeing what baggie they pulled out.

A treat for traveling well!

Only 4 To A Room!!!

Have you ever called up the national number for a hotel chain to reserve a room for your family of ..... only to be told 'Only 4 to a room! You'll have to book 2 rooms?"

With 6 in our family, we have.

Let you in on a secret.

If the agent at the national number says no - ask for the local number of the hotel you are interested in and call them. We have never been refused when we wanted 6 in our room, regardless of what the national number said.

You can also ask for cots or a crib, if you need one. Sometimes they are free, sometimes a small fee is required.

Room for 6, please! And make that non-smoking!
And, while you are at it, would you please have 2 extra of towels, pillows and blankets sent up?

Sweet dreams!