Monday, June 06, 2005

Flattened Bread and Smooshed Bananas

"Maamaaaaaa, the bananas leaked out all over my shoe!" And in a crowded van on curvy roads, mmmm, delicious! The dilemma of how to pack your van with food for your army for a week.

Apple boxes from the grocery store.

Actually, they are great for the attic, for moving, for storing what you need stored. I pack our food, paper goods, things that don’t need to go in the fridge, whatever needs packing that can’t be stuffed in around the bikes. If the boxes are in a position to shift, Mark ties them down - as in behind the driver’s seat where they are stacked three high.

The great things about apple boxes are they --- are free, stack easily, don’t crush, have tops that just slide down over the bottom, make great tables in the car and the kids can rest their feet on them without --- smooshed bananas and flattened bread!

Enjoy your lunch!