Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Can't Afford To Go Out To Dinner While On Vacation? The Pusateri Diner!

Today when my husband came home for lunch we were whisked off into our bedroom along with a bell to call for service, if needed. A few minutes later our 'waitress' came in and read off the choices of appetizers, main courses, desserts and beverages available for the day. She took our order and we soon were escorted into the eating area.

We walked into a darkened room draped with sheets, the table arranged with various candles surrounding some freshly picked flowers. Our attendants, our 2 youngest daughters and the two girls I watch for the summer, had dressed up, the hostess seating us. We were served our meal while music played in the background. As we enjoyed our dessert, we were entertained with dancing, followed by a farewell song and dance as Papa went out the door back to work.

Our children have done this many times in the past - making up menus, decorating, cooking, serving, leaving us to have time to ourselves. This helps financially, and is just plain fun - for us and the kids.

Going on vacation, your anniversary coming up? Have your kids plan out a gift for you. Sometimes, like today, it just happened about five minutes before lunch.

As I am typing this, I just heard my kids talking to each other while cleaning up “Are we going to do the diner tomorrow, too?” “Yes.” “Oh, good, cool.”

Oh, good, cool!

(And by the way - please go to my links and fill out my survey!)

"Tips can safeguard family on vacation"

Planning a family vacation this summer? There are advantages and disadvantages to cash, credit cards, debit cards and travelers checks for expenses. Consider these tips.... Tips can safeguard family on vacation

(And by the way - please go to my links and fill out my survey!)