Thursday, October 27, 2005

Souvenirs From Your Family Vacation

When I was young, probably around 1970, I was given a collection of wrapped sugar cubes. Does anyone remember them? The interesting part about these is that the collector had traveled all around the world – he was in the Air Force – bringing home a small remembrance.

I don't remember the places on the packages this many years later, but it was interesting to see the places visited as well as the different designs, the writings, the sizes and shapes – some contained single, some double cubes, some flat rectangles, some squares. I kept these until about 1978 when they were slowly donated into the mouth of my horse, with a few sneaking into mine!

My father, being a navigator in the USAF, traveled a LOT, as well! One thing he did was buy a charm for me from the different places he went or sometimes a small trinket of various types.

I'm sure nowadays you'd be hard pressed to find wrapped sugar cubes as souvenirs from your family vacation, and I'm not sure how 'in' charm bracelets are now, but you and your children might have fun collecting postcards, key chains, bumper stickers, from the towns you pass through. Or, as we tend to do, we just collect lots of pictures, made especially easy with our digital camera.


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