Monday, August 08, 2005

We Can't Afford A Family Vacation? Day Trips

The beginning of this year we didn't think we could afford a vacation rental this year. We came up with an idea - Day Trips.

We decided we would use our house as our 'hotel.' We started planning places to go that were free or low cost, with a couple of more expensive items since we wouldn't have housing costs.

We could go to Lake Michigan beaches, museums, Michigan Dunes, the zoo, horseback riding, mini-golf, natural wonders, hiking, canoeing, etc.

Meals - some eating out, some made ahead, picnics, etc. Using some paper/disposable products.

Chores / House - well, we would just take a vacation from our regular chores - plus if we are out gallivanting who's going to mess up the house? Leave the answering machine on - and DON'T answer it! Don't even open the mail - you're on vacation! Leave the mowing for when you get back or pay the neighbor boy to mow it!

Pets - since we'd just be gone for the day, we'd get a neighbor to let them out. On some of our trips, our dogs would join us.

We might even set up the tent in the back complete with S'mores over a fire, or sleep out under the stars. And stars ... we could plan a day trip a ways out from here where you can actually see the stars and stay out late to look for shooting stars and satellites.

See - you can take a vacation without much more than the cost of gas!