Saturday, August 06, 2005

Family Biking Vacations - Bike Seats vs. Bike Trailers

I am back from my bike trip! A wonderful time with hours of biking and hiking.

As I was pedaling along watching families ride by, I was remembering biking with our babies and toddlers.

If I could go back in time, I would go with a bike trailer over bike seats.

First off, did you ever try keeping your bike upright with a 30# toddler on the back in a bike seat? I remember stopping, steadying the bike on one foot while trying to dismount and turn around to reach my daughter, yelling for Mark to quick help me because the bike was wobbling seriously. We ended up putting the seat on his bike after some near complete tips!

Or, I'm not sure how the new ones are - I'm sure much better, but the one we had wasn't tilted back enough so that when our daughter had her helmet on it hit the back of the seat, tipping her head forward.

And fall asleep? Her head would bang around until we got back so my husband would have to reach around and hold her head still.

And what if I crashed?

Bike trailer -

I could take 2 kids at once.
I could get off to pick up my sunglasses that fell off without unbuckling and taking out a child.
Diapers and supplies can go in the trailer vs. on my back.
Toys can be played with and not dropped so that I have to stop the bike, take the toddler out, pick up the toy, put her back in and go on. Yes, I did put toys on little play chains, usually.

And, I could ride up to the grocery store, go shopping and easily carry my bags back instead of being limited to 2 bags - one on each handle with each constantly shifting and banging.

And I could join the others who take along their dogs next to their child. Oops, my dog is 100#'s - that won't work! But I'm sure my daughter's rat would enjoy the ride - she loves car rides!

We didn't get a bike trailer because of the cost, but now, looking back, a trailer would make our family bike trips much easier and safer. If I only knew what I know now!

I am taking a survey so I can help out families going on vacation. Will you let me know your biggest question about choosing, planning, or going on a family vacation? It could be anything...even if you think it's silly. Thanks! My Survey Link.


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