Thursday, August 04, 2005

Family Bike Trips

If you like to bike, call your state's tourism office and ask them to send you their bike maps. There are so many varieties of trails now. Many are on old railroad beds, many travel along scenic rivers.

My husband and I are going on a mini-vacation where we are doing just that. Found a place close enough to get back to our family in case of an emergency (one of our daughters has bad asthma!) Found a hotel near the middle branches of the paths so we can go out in different directions each time.

I was going to get a bike pack - but the ones that mount behind the seat are very small and costly - not worth it. Or I could have bought a rack for the back of my bike then a custom bag for it. $$$ So, instead, I was brilliant and decided .... to use one of our small backpacks!

But I did splurge on a new, soft gel seat! A biking vacation does not go well with my old, hard seat! Also a great thing to get is bike gloves - these you can get at Wal-mart. I actually like the cheap ones there better than the expensive ones I got at the bike shop - too slippery!

Yes, sometimes we do take the kids - this is just our traditional anniversary ride - for just the two of us!

Don't forget to fill out my survey!


At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Sonia said...

What a great idea to call my state's tourism office to ask them to send their bike maps.Will take your advice to have some
family bike trips.


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