Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Vacations and the Kitchen: Homemade Cookies

I prefer homemade chocolate cookies, especially fresh out of the oven, to store bought ones.

One year we wanted good, fresh cookies for our trip.
So the day before I just whipped up a batch of fresh cookies to take.
Yeah, right!

The couple of days before vacation tend to be a bit hectic -
I knew I wouldn’t have time to bake them and once I was on vacation -
did I want to bake?!?!?

Solution: A few weeks ahead,
we made up cookie dough, shaped it into rolls,
wrapped it in wax paper, stuck it in ziplock bags and froze it.

Hungry for cookies? Take out a roll, turn on the oven,
slice and bake.

But then again, how about just slice and eat frozen?!?! YUM!!!


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